Our Blog

Straight From My Heart…

Col. David West This morning I was talking with my dear friend and colleague, Col. David West, who is serving the Lord in a foreign country right now.  He shared with me the news that his spiritual mentor and friend "Preacher Bill" Ellison of South Carolina is nearing death.  He is in a coma and under the care of Hospice.  Please pray for his family during these days.  Also pray for David, who is struggling emotionally because of a previous request made of him by "Preacher Bill," who had asked David to lead his funeral whenever...

Straight From My Heart…

The joy of the Lord is my strength! These words have become much more than just words. As we face the challenges of ministry the constant reminder of our need is the Joy of the Lord! As we prepare for this next overseas ministry project I assure you that challenges are abundant. We are going with our most aggressive and Extreme agenda to date. We will be having three teams working daily in schools, villages, and film crusades PLUS the excellent blessing of the added dental work. While this means we will, most likely, see at least a third more...

Straight From My Heart…

As you can see from the front page of our January newsletter, we are determined to be extreme in our ministry endeavors. While we are thankful for all that God has done in us over the years, I am fully convinced that now is the time for us to step up, step out, and step on the ground that God has given us. It is obvious to many that the assault on the Gospel is intensifying day by day.  There are more people in more places being persecuted, tortured, and slaughtered for their faith in anytime in recent history.   75%...

Are We Losing Christmas?

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas -- everywhere you go!  These are not only the words of a familiar song written in 1951 but are an attitude of many who look forward with anticipation to Christmas.  I’m one of those people -- I love Christmas!Nearly every day during December I find myself looking for signs of the season.  I drive out of my way when going home from my office, just in hopes of seeing some new Christmas lights.  Whenever my wife and I are out she knows that we will not take the most direct route on...

How Much Is Enough?

One of the mantras of my life has been "The Three G's" -- Grateful, Gracious, and Generous.  As we come to another Thanksgiving Day take a moment to think about your attitude of Gratitude. “How much is enough?”  You’ve probably read our heard about this question being asked of John D. Rockefeller. This multi-billionaire replied, “Just a little more!”  This whimsical retort sadly reveals the hearts and attitudes of too many people.  Material success, however we might measure it, has an illusiveness that can be intoxicating to those are looking for a definitive way of measuring their lives. We all...

Straight From My Heart…

The days of 2013 are winding to a close.  It’s hard to believe that another year is nearly over, but I am thankful for all that God has allowed us to see this year!  I’m amazed at all the wonderful people and unique opportunities God has brought across our paths.  It has been a year filled with joy, sadness, grief, and elation.  No two days are exactly the same. I’m grateful for the way God has taught me the three lessons of grace, gratitude, and generosity.  I’m thankful for the people who have come alongside me in both my personal...