Our Blog

The Beauty of God’s Creation

[Boti Falls - Ghana]  The beauty and wonder of the Lord’s creation is a sight to behold.  After a morning filled with school ministry our entire team — both American and Ghanaian members were able to stop by and visit the majestic Boti Falls.  This beautiful double waterfall, which cascades over 200 feet to the pool below, is another reminder of the creative power of our heavenly Father.   Although the falls are not terribly far away for most of our pastors leaving in Ghana, the majority of our team had never before visited this site.  It was a joy...

Thanks for the Shade Tree

There will be a shelter to give shade from the heat by day, and refuge and protection from the storm and the rain. — Isaiah 4:6 NASB [Yilo District - Ghana]  Sometimes, just for a bit, I forget where I am.  Our teams have been coming to Ghana, multiple times yearly, since 2000.  Jeff and I often comment that it feels like we are “just down the street” from home.  This is certainly a blessing and grace from God. Today was NOT one of those days.  We arose at 6 and set out for our morning of school ministries around...

What kind of footprint are YOU leaving?

[Korforidua Area- Ghana]  This morning was “market day” in this particular part of the area.  The streets were teeming with vendors of every imaginable sort.  People were coming and going, buying and selling all kinds of things from vegetables to vehicles.  It was the center of commerce for most of the morning. As we were stopped in the traffic I noticed the thousands of footprints that were in the red dirt of the market area.     As we traveled from the city center to the more remote areas of the region my eyes were opened to the fact of...

The First Week of Ministry Completed

Our first full week of ministry came to an end on Saturday, 15 March, as we left the Palm Hill Hotel and started our journey to the next place of service near the thriving township of Koforidua. Upon our arrival we noticed an unnerving sight of the American flag flying upside down — the sign of distress.  Although we were sure this was simply an unconscious oversight on the part of the hotel, it was an eerie reminder of what might be coming.  The subtle reminder that we are all in constant “distress” while in the battle for the souls...

A Single Voice in the Back of the Room

As we entered a remote school classroom this morning there was some obvious oppression and opposition.  It was both strange, but somehow familiar.  The students were very quiet but nearly fearful. As I began to speak with those gathered it was obvious that Mr. Daniel — a crusty old teacher, was not thrilled about our being in this school.  He sat at the back of the crowd with a “cane” across his lap.  This was not a cane for walking, but rather one that was used, with regularity, in the disciplining of misbehaving or unruly students.  The look on his...

The Blessings of the Ordinary

Another day of school ministry is complete. On the surface the day was uneventful and ordinary, but in the eyes of heaven it was very significant and extraordinary!  When combined, the Jeff Andler and Roy Mason teams were able to share the Gospel with over 2,500 students and teachers today!  What an extraordinary opportunity. Too often while on these ministry projects we seem to think it is just an “ordinary day” of field evangelism, but when we stop and think — it is completely extraordinary.  The very fact that God allows us to participate in this supernatural work is overwhelming. ...