Our Blog


I’ve Been To The Mountain Top!

[Adukrom, Ghana] It’s Tuesday in Ghana as I jot this note. Today saw some travel over some of the most rugged roads thus far on our project. From our guesthouse in Abonse we had to ascend to the ridge town of Adukrom for today’s ministry in various schools. The view from this place was spectacular, as it seemed I could see the vastness of Ghana in the distance. You can view some of our videos on the web at www.gemonline.org. Life on top of the ridge is still very difficult as the entire people struggle in their daily existence. Although...

The Project Continues

[Abonse, Ghana] It’s Monday evening as I write these lines. As expected we have very limited access to the Internet so getting the blogs to you is a challenge and getting any videos posted seems nearly impossible. I have so many videos to post to our website, but it might be as late as next Saturday before this can happen. Just bear with me. Thus far in our ministry (through mid afternoon on Monday) we have stood face to face with crowds in excess of 20,000 in 91 venues where we have witnessed over 13,000 individuals indicate decisions for Christ!...
(Picture from March 2015 Ghana Project)

No News Is Good News

[Ambones, Ghana] Sunday morning. We are settled into our hotel here in the rolling hills of Abonse. This village hotel is good by comparison with most of its kind and ably watched over by Solomon, a man in his mid twenties, who attends to our every request. He is doing his absolute best to make sure we are comfortable. We are all thankful that we have such an adequate place to call home for this final week of the project. The most noticeable difference in this week of the project will be that we do not have access to the...

Last Day in Dodowa

[DODOWA, GHANA] We are nearing the end of our first week of the project in Ghana. This has been an unusually uneventful week of ministry from a human standpoint. Our vehicles have operated well, the roads have been good, the hotel has been exceptional, and the ministry has been incredible. All of this is a testimony to the greatness of God! It is obvious to each of us that you have been praying and for this we are grateful. Day by day Jeff and I travel out to schools where are able to share the straightforward gospel message – often...
(Picture from March 2015 Ghana Project)

It’s Only Rock-n-Roll … But I Like it!

[Dodowa, Ghana] — Nearly everyday looks the same here in Ghana. We arise around 5:30, shower and prepare for the day. I have a cup of coffee, read my devotional and Bible, pray and then go to breakfast. There our team comes together and contemplates the day ahead. Our national team members arrive and take us to our first school ministry site. After that program, we go to another, then another, and then another. We rock-n-roll from one place to the next … but we like it! The evenings are pretty much the same each day too. After dinner the...

He passed THROUGH Death INTO Life!

[Dodowa, Ghana] — I received an iMessage from home yesterday informing me that the last living uncle, from mother’s side of my family, had passed through death into life. Uncle Robert was always my favorite! When I read the news, I confess, a quick smile came upon my face as I fondly thought of the wonderful laugh and bright smile he always displayed. From the earliest days of my life our family always visited Uncle Robert and Aunt Bobbie on Christmas morning. I remember all the fun we had enjoying the gifts given to my sweet cousins, Rhonda and Pam....