Our Blog

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. Wonderful not because of the holiday lights Christmas trees, or tinsel. Wonderful because it is perhaps the only time of the year that nearly all the peoples of the world give attention to the things of God --even if they do so ignorantly. They see stars, lights, tinsel, trees, etc. All of which point to Jesus Christ! Christmas affords all Believers with the easy opportunity to share with everyone the Gospel of Jesus. Think about it. This is the most natural time of all to speak to friends and strangers alike...

Straight From My Heart…

The work of the Gospel is never finished! 2012 has been filled with incredible opportunities and blessings for us. I have personally been able to share the Gospel in at least 250 separate ministry venues in Africa, India, and the United States. I continue to be honored and humbled at the fact that God allows me this opportunity. I’m especially thrilled to report that God continues to open doors for us in the most unusual places, which is a constant reminder that God’s plans for us are so much bigger than our own! (see Isa.55:8-11). As we stand ready for...

Thanksgiving should mean more!

Over the course of time the apparent attitude of humanity has changed!  Most people in the United States, set aside the fourth Thursday in November as a “Day of Thanksgiving.”  On December 26, 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt signed a joint resolution of Congress changing the national Thanksgiving Day from the last Thursday in November to the fourth Thursday.  However, this was certainly not the beginning of having a specific time consecrated as a day of thanksgiving! As with most secular holidays, Thanksgiving is rooted in spiritual soil. Although often debated, it is clearly evident that the 1621 Plymouth feast and...

Straight From My Heart…

Once every four years we in America are bombarded by political promises. The problem is that too many people have placed their hopes in a political system replete with parties, candidates, platforms, and pundits. So many people, on both sides of the aisle are convinced that “their candidate” is the answer. It is imperative to remember that the hope of the world is not a candidate, but is Christ. No political party is capable of ushering in a time of lasting peace or prosperity. The ebb and flow that is humanity is looking for answers in all the wrong places....

Four New Churches Start

[Accra, Ghana] -- Our project is now complete!  Since our arrival on September 19, we have shared the Gospel in 147 venues to audiences of  approximately 30,000 people.  Over two-thirds (20,862) of those we spoke with indicated their first-time decision for Christ.  As a result of this we were able to see the beginning of four new churches in the most remote areas covered by this project. This will of course mean a greater responsibility on our men here in Ghana.  Please pray especially for Pastors Ebenezer Agbleze and Sammy Lartey who have oversight of these new preaching points. It...

School Ministries Completed … for now!

[Peki, Ghana] -- We have just completed our school ministries for this project.  In all we have shared in the Gospel with 113 schools over these past two weeks.  The reception in all of these has been warm and gracious.  The students (elementary through college) have been a joy to be around.  This is but one of the things that encourages us so greatly. Our days here have begun early and ended late, but we are thankful for God’s great provision and protection.  We have, thus far, been strong and safe in all ways.  Please continue to pray for us...