The Sovereignty of God

When I have time I tune in to one or more of the “news” channels which inundate the airwaves with their product.  Like most, it does not take long for the news to turn my stomach, so I simply tune to something more refreshing.  The past few weeks have filled the minds of many with thoughts of deep panic and concern.  So many have called me to share their concern over events happening globally.  “What should I take from the events?” is the most often asked question.  While I do not believe any one has the answer to the problem, I do know that God is sovereign and is in complete control!

If we believe in the sovereignty of God, then we must acknowledge that none of the current world events have taken Him “off guard.”  Rather they are all a part of His divine plan designed for His glory and our good.  Is it possible that God is allowing all these things of turmoil in an effort to shake us and draw us unto Himself?  In the Old Testament Haggai wrote,

“For thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea also and the dry land. I will shake all the nations….I am going to shake the heavens and the earth. I will overthrow the thrones of kingdoms and destroy the power of the kingdoms of the nations.”
(Haggai 2:6, 7, 21, 22)

As children of God, bought by the blood of Jesus Christ, redeemed from the eternal penalty of sin, Christians must realize that we are most certainly living in the days preceding the ultimate return of Christ in power and glory.  Regardless of your particular position on eschatology we can all agree that human history is ramping up for the final showdown between good and evil — between light and darkness — yes between the forces of Hell and Heaven.  Therefore these are the day of evangelism!  You and I are called to fully surrender our lives under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and boldly share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone.

Today there is an all out assault on Christians. Too many of us are ignorant to the things that are happening to the Christian world globally.  I want to encourage you to stay aware of these current events.  You can read an unbiased report from the voice of martyrs  <>  which you will find helpful in your prayer life.  I also want you to consider reading the blog from Joel Rosenberg <>  which will certainly give you insights into many current events from a Christian perspective.