The Gospel Prevails!
[Chennai, India] — Saturday was a long, eventful day for our team. We left our hotel before 6am and traveled three hours (through heavy rain storms) into more remote areas of the country, where we were scheduled to speak in two different evangelistic rally settings and conduct baptism services.
When we arrived in the village of Bangarapalayam we were greeted by a crowd of over a hundred people. I learned that these people were from many different religious groups — hindus, muslim, catholics, CSI, and others — all interested in hearing the story of Jesus Christ.
It continues to thrill me when I see people who are really understanding the great love, with which God has loved us. When people who have been trying, all of their lives, to find a way to gain God’s approval, finally understand that salvation is based upon the Grace of God through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, it is absolute joy to my soul. In the two rallies where we preached we saw at least half of the crowd indicate a decision to receive Jesus Christ.
The highlight of the day was the fact that over 30 individuals were ready for Christian baptism. Jeff and I both had the privilege of conducting the baptisms (in two separate venues). While each baptism was indeed wonderful, one was especially meaningful. A catholic sister (nun) named Mary, surrendered her life to Christ and followed Him in “Believers’ Baptism.” The look on Mary’s face was indeed precious as she realized that faith, not religious, was her hope for eternity.
The ministry here is indeed fulfilling. Please continue to pray for us as we continue school ministry on Monday. All is going well, and we are being blessed by our time with James Sundar. His passion for evangelism is still unparalleled and His willingness to be used of God is remarkable. I am thankful that God has reunited us after all these years. Pray for God’s leadership and we look to the future.