The Blessings of the Ordinary
Another day of school ministry is complete. On the surface the day was uneventful and ordinary, but in the eyes of heaven it was very significant and extraordinary! When combined, the Jeff Andler and Roy Mason teams were able to share the Gospel with over 2,500 students and teachers today! What an extraordinary opportunity.
Too often while on these ministry projects we seem to think it is just an “ordinary day” of field evangelism, but when we stop and think — it is completely extraordinary. The very fact that God allows us to participate in this supernatural work is overwhelming. We are blessed beyond measure.
I think we should all consider the blessings of the ordinary. On an ordinary day we are kept safe and secure. We are able to travel from place to place and speak freely of the wonderful grace of Jesus Christ. We have the privilege of meeting people and interacting with them in most unusual ways. This is not only true for us while we are on foreign soil, but it is true for you while you are reading these words. Think about the people you will see today and the opportunities God gives you to share His love.
I hope we will always realize that it is in the ordinary times that God is blessing us with His grace, love, presence, and power. Look at the ordinary as your opportunity to be see the extraordinary blessings of God.
There is another truth to be remembered. As Jeff and his team arrived for their final stop of the day, the headmaster informed the group that he had not gained the necessary permission for our ministry to come to their school. Even after presenting him with all of the information the team was turned away without the chance of sharing Jesus with the school. This reminds us that even though the day went off without much trouble ONE person can prevent the Gospel from going out. Please continue to pray that God will go before us and that Satan will be stopped from hindering the work of the Gospel.
Thus far our teams have been able to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with nearly 12,000 individuals in 77 different ministry venues. It’s an ordinary day, but it has been an extraordinary blessing!