The Blessing of Smooth Roads
Sometimes it probably seems boring to read the updates from this project. Thus far we have had very few obstacles, hindrances, or difficulties to our ministry. I do not remember a time when things have run as smoothly as they have so far on this project. As I have said before, I credit this all to the hand of God in response to the prayers of you, His dear children.
This is not to say that the project has been without spiritual attacks. In the weeks (and days) leading up to our departure for Ghana nearly every team member was faced with both physical and spiritual assaults. My family saw two grandsons sick and one hospitalized, Jeff was dealing with a severe case of laryngitis and sinus infection, and Andy broke a tooth which required the seating of a crown.
You prayed for us all and we have all been well and without mentionable troubles on this project. You supported the effort and God is doing a great work.
The scripture says, “Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for life eternal; so that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. For in this case the saying is true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’ John 4:36-37
This is a constant reminder that whether you are here in Ghana or back at home you are involved in this ministry. Regardless of whether you are preaching or praying, giving or going — we are all equally involved (and blessed). Because of you, we have been able to present the Gospel, face-to-face with over 20,000 people so far on this project.
Keep praying for us all.