Team arrives safely in Frankfurt
The weather in the US did not hinder our team from arriving safety in Germany. Team members Mark and Brianna Chase were forced to re-route but still arrived in plenty of time to meet the rest of us in the Frankfurt airport to make the connection for the flight to Ghana. This was certainly a testimony to God’s grace, because I learned (upon my arrival in Germany) that many US airports were shut-down because of winter weather. The work of the ministry will not be stopped!
The spiritual warfare has been intense in the build-up to this project. Nearly every team member faced some unusual pressures prior to our departure. Pastor Mark Chase has battled an urinary tract infection, the flu, and a severe sinus infection. Pastor Jeff Andler was confronted with a very difficult “counseling and grief intervention” and I was hospitalized and diagnosed with a “ TIA,” the result of my mismanagement of my blood-sugar levels. (I am happy to report that my blood-sugar levels are now normal — in fact the best they have been in years!) While most of these were physical attacks they were, nonetheless, spiritual attacks by the enemy, who has armed up for the assault against the Gospel.
While in the security line in Charlotte Jeff and I were greatly amused by a comment by one of the TSA officers. In a particularly loud voice the officer proclaimed, “Read all the signs … do not waste tax-payer dollars!” Without pause I turned to him and asked, “Did YOU really just say ‘Don’t waste tax-payer dollars?’” He replied, “Yes. Why?” I looked at him and said, “I find it ironic that YOU and the other 10 officers, standing around are concerned about that, while you only have one lane of security screening open!” It did remind me that we often place expectations on others that we fail to live by ourselves.
We have an expectation that many people will be praying for us and you may have the expectation that we will boldly, by God’s grace and provision, share the Gospel of Jesus with all who will hear. Again, please remember to pray for us and the work of the Gospel. We are counting on you.