Straight From My Heart…
Ephesians 3:8 is a remarkably humbling statement. Paul wrote, “To me, the very least of all saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ,”
I have been mediating on this verse and have been thrilled by it’s truth. When I pause and remember the great privilege God has given me and I overwhelmed by the responsibility that goes along with it. Now, as perhaps never before I am aware of the divine assignment that God has given me. Honestly, I cannot fathom why God has entrusted me with teaching His word to others. Paul could only call himself “the very least” because he never met me! There is absolutely nothing in me that deserves such a privilege. (I am not offering a false humility here; I am being as transparent as I can be.) The sacred honor that has been afforded me is astonishing.
It is important for all of us to know that we are responsible to (and for) those that we teach. In recent days my heart has been flooded with this truth. Each week I have the opportunity to teach people in at least three separate venues and my heart is heavy for each one of them. I want to be absolutely sure that the teaching coming from my lips is all of God and none of me. I do not want them to remember anything that I say, but I want them to receive all that God says. As each of these people are taught, my prayer is that the Lord Jesus is exalted in truth and clarity.
As I travel to different places, foreign and domestic it is vital that the Gospel is presented in TRUTH rather than in muddled ways that might lead to a “decision.” In these days of “Christianity lite” it is imperative that none of us water down the message of Jesus Christ. By God’s grace I will preach and teach the word of God with a passion for God and a compassion for people, but I need your help!
Can I count on you to pray for me? There is not a single day that I do not need your prayerful support. NOT A SINGLE DAY.
What about you? Are you constantly aware that you have an important assignment from the Lord? Are you attuned to the fact that God has placed you into a unique place and privilege of service to Him? Hear again the Word of God:
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. –Colossians 3:17
Let’s agree together that we will keep this truth in our hearts, minds, and action. Until Jesus returns, I remain
Yours, in the fulfilling of the Great Commission,