Straight From My Heart…

Roy for BlogsI want you to consider joining me in Israel this year! For as long as I can remember people have been asking me about hosting a trip to the Holy Land.  Never before has the time seemed right.

Over the past couple of years my dear friend, Rev. Jeff Andler and I have been talking about doing this and now the time seems right.

Often imitated, but never duplicated is this life-changing experience of walking in the exact places of Biblical characters.  I know you will be blessed by this experience!

While some of you are asking about the safety of traveling to Israel, I feel confident in saying to you that you will be safer there than you are here.  Every precaution has been taken to insure our safety while in this most splendid part of the world.

Imagine the joy of praying in Gethsemane and seeing an EMPTY tomb.  We will literally be walking on the same ground that Jesus walked while here on earth.

Andler-Mason '13 brochure pg 1

Click this picture to download and print the detailed brochure.

I will not say much more here, but I certainly hope you will begin now to pray about joining us for this marvelous journey.

If you would like more information about this trip, please email us at and we will send you a more detailed brochure about the trip.

We are getting close to our next ministry project in Ghana.  From all the news I hear we are expecting this to be a wonderfully exciting opportunity.  I know that our national team there is working tirelessly to see that the ground is ready for our arrival.  Words do not adequately express our appreciation for all that they do.

From all reports, while this project will be challenging it will be productive.  I’m grateful for each person who has committed to join us in Ghana.  I know, from previous projects, these are all dedicated and devoted “missionaries” who want nothing more than the assurance that the Gospel is being proclaimed to as many people as possible.

We need to know that the project is being covered in prayer.  I trust you will make yourself a note to pray for us everyday.

While we are in Ghana you will once again be able to follow our ministry through our blogs. This is another way you will be reminded to pray for us!

This is an exciting time to be involved in the work of sharing the Gospel with all the world.  I know you are already doing this is your circles of influence, and for that I am thankful. You will certainly able to share the message of Jesus with folk that I will never meet.  Use every available platform at your disposal for this eternally significant privilege.  I pray for you every time the Lord brings you to my mind.

Again, it is my prayer that you will consider joining us in November for our time to Israel.  Our journey to the Holy Land will help us all to understand the Love of God more completely.  Until Jesus returns, I remain

Yours, in the fulfilling of the Great Commission,

Roy D. Mason Signature