Sometimes, it’s really dark!
Not everyone is a believer! Seems like a simple truth doesn’t it? However, too many “christians” do not live our lives with this truth in mind. We are often careless and disconnected with this reality. I am convinced that we are missing many opportunities to share the love of the Lord Jesus with those around us. There is a great percentage of the world that is still wandering in darkness.
One of the consistencies of being in West Africa is the inconsistency of the electric power grid. In the midst of heavy rain and wind storms yesterday the electricity in our area of Ghana was lost for several hours. While there is always a bit of inconvenience to this, it is really not noticed by the fine folk here. All of them go about their business as it nothing had changed. To be honest, we too have learned to simply adapt to the times of lost electricity. It is simply a “way of life” here.
When the sun goes down in the sky … all bets are off. The night is as dark as imaginable! Looking out the window of our hotel revealed just how dark it was. My words fail to describe the inky black of the the night. Only the occasional visible flashlight provided points of light on the landscape. The “dark continent” is an apropos description! However, even in this dark, people move about — never even noticing the darkness. Every so often a person with a flashlight would shine it on the path of someone wandering in the dark. As their paths intersected the one with the light shined in to help the others. While this is physical … it reminded me of the spiritual.
Those of us who have been saved and are now in the Light have the responsibility to share with those in the dark. The world is a dark place. Where will you shine the Light today?
While we are ministering in Ghana we promise to shine the Light of Jesus with every person we meet. Thus far we have. seen over 450 indicate first-time-decisions for Christ.