Seeking Godly Counsel

“Without guidance, people fall,
but with many counselors there is safety.”
– Proverbs 11:14

One of the foundational lessons in Scripture is the importance of seeking, finding, and heeding Godly counsel in our lives. In my experiences the most successful people in life rightly respond to counsel. Solomon, in Proverbs 15:22 wrote,

“Refuse good advice and watch your plans fail;
take good counsel and watch them succeed.”

There are so many people (including some of us) who run away from wise counsel, until we are in deep trouble. Wise counsel is not just for the earth shaking, major decisions in life, but we all need to stay grounded with better counsel all the time. I believe there are three groups of people in place–

  • Those who don’t take counsel.
  • Those who heed foolish counsel.
  • Those who need and receive wise counsel.

The Psalmist wrote, “How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers!

What does this mean for us to seek good/godly counsel?

  1. Admit that you need good counsel. You don’t know everything. There are always people that know more and have more wisdom than you in certain areas of your life. Face the truth about yourself.
  2. Acknowledge the people that are around you. God has always put the people that you need in your life. Look all around and find that person who is stronger and wiser than you in that area of life. Face the truth about God.
  3. Apprehend that person and find a way to latch on the them. Meet with them regularly. Your counselors should be a regular part of your weekly of bi-weekly schedule. Take this appointment just as important as any other item in your schedule.
  4. Apply their counsel. It is not enough, just to hear their advice, you must apply what they are saying and instructions. Every time you meet with them, it is imperative that you ask a lot of questions. Counselors love to solve problems. Ask many, many questions. Don’t argue but ask more questions!
  5. Appreciate your counselors. Do what they say. Let them know and show them how much you appreciate them. Be gracious (do what they say). Be grateful (let them know you are listening). Be generous (share what you have learned from the with others).

This is the “seeking Godly counsel.” I trust you will start this today.