Remembering 9.11
As the nation prepares to remember the tragedy of September 11, 2001 — the day when the worst of the worst of the human race displayed the very soul of sinful humanity — our hearts are hopefully turned toward Jesus Christ. On that day, ten years ago, we witnessed the depravity of man, fleshed out through cowards under the cloak of a fanatical Islamist group who were devoid of genuine character.
You and I, now ten years removed from the pain of that day, must ever be reminded of our need to be in an intimate, personal walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. Although the “crisis” has been seemingly eliminated, we should be daily aware of our personal walk with God. This walk should form our basic character. As Oswald Chambers wrote in today’s My Utmost for His Highest devotional reading, “Crises always reveal a person’s true character.” [read more] Remember, crisis does not make your character it reveals it. What you are in private will ultimately surface in public.
It is my prayer that as you focus your remembrances on the tragic events of 9.11 your thoughts will be on the sufficiency of Jesus Christ. That day ten years ago reminded all thinking individuals that the world was forever changed. It causes us to look differently at people and events. It causes us to falsely place our hope and trust in government guidance and military strength. It causes us to raise flags and give voice to patriotism. While all of these things were of temporary value may we be ever reminded that there is only ONE who never changes and that is the Lord Jesus Christ.
The writer of Hebrews plainly penned, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Heb. 13:8) Let’s turn our hearts toward Him, ask for His leadership and guidance. As your think about 9.11 remember there are billions of people in the world who need to hear of God’s love for them. Share your faith with someone today.