Prayer is the Key
We are only a few days away from our ministry project to Ghana, West Africa and everyone is really excited about what the days ahead hold.
So many people have told me that they were worried about my going, but I want to assure you that I have been cleared by my Doctor, Physical Therapist, and wife to go on this trip. My colleague, Jeff Andler has told Mary that he would “take good care of me and make sure that I do all the things I’m supposed to do” and I believe him. I thank the Lord for a friend like Jeff, whom I count as my very best!
Our teams in Ghana have been meeting for months in times of preparation. The most important aspect of their preparation planning has been weekly, overnight prayer meetings because we all realize that prayer is the key! I have told these dear servants of the Lord that they can count on hundreds of believers here in the USA to pray as well. I am counting you among those who will be praying.
Our actual journey begins on Friday morning (10/13) with flights from NC to JFK where all our team members meet. From there we travel to Accra to meet our national team around noon on Saturday.
Team members Jeff Andler, Craig Barker, James McLean will join me in this upcoming adventure. We are all counting on you to help us through prayer. Thank you for your continued faithful support of the work of the Gospel.