Our Second Full Day of Ministry
[Denu, Ghana, Mar. 12, 1930, LT] — Our second full day of ministry is now behind us. We conducted six school ministries, a dental clinic and two film crusades (the two films were last night and two team members are leading in two more now.) So far we have seen over 2,950 individuals indicate their first-time decision for Christ.
There is nothing out of the ordinary to report today. The team has so smoothly meshed together that it feels like “just another day.”
Our team has discovered that people are still hungry to hear the truth. In every place where we have spoken there seems to be an unusual anointing present and people are drawn to hear the message. This is certainly the work of God.
I am convinced that we are being covered in prayer from many of you. Please do not stop now.
Tomorrow brings another day where, by God’s grace, we will travel down some rough roads to remote schools where we will present the Gospel. Pray that the students and teachers will be attentive to the Word of God and respond in faith to His offer of eternal life.