October Newsletter
Harvest Ghana 2016
Where does the time go? On October 14th our team will set out for our 36st project into the West African nation of Ghana!
Joining me on this project will be Jeff Andler, Craig Barker, Mark Chase, James McLean, and Nick Ollila. On Saturday, October 15 we will be welcomed by our National Director Sammy Lartey and his team for ministry which will take us to Ada Foah and Pram Pram. Our men on the ground tell us that their preparation work of the past 5 months will yield numerous opportunities for us in villages, schools, and other public areas.
Ghana is a wonderful country and the people are warm and welcoming to us always, but this is even more accentuated because of the great work of our men on the ground. Pictured here with me and Jeff Andler and Sammy Lartey. Pastor Samuel oversees and directs our team of nearly 80 pastors, evangelists, and preachers in a very steady and capable way.
In addition to our field workers in Ghana, I am extremely grateful for our team members from the USA. All of our team members are veterans in this type of work and thus make the project function far more effectively. Each of these men are among my favorite people and I am very honored to have them as a regular part of the ministry. Please remember to pray for everyone and everything about this upcoming trip.
The opportunities we have in Ghana are incredible. Just look at the High School students voluntarily assembled to hear the life changing message of Jesus Christ. It reminds us all that we have the responsibility to share the Gospel will everyone, everywhere, every time.
Thank you for sharing with us in this incredible opportunity!