It’s simple … but not easy!

10.2 Roy with KidsI never tire of what I do! Again this morning our team awoke to hot coffee and a delicious breakfast of sausage, eggs, vegetables, and toast. We crawled into our vehicles and made our way to the remote village schools. Each team member would admit that we are always overwhelmed at the welcome we receive upon our arrival. Smiling faces and warm waves are the norm.

We stand and share the simple message of God’s power, provision, and promise through Jesus Christ. It’s so simple … but not easy.



10.2 Roy BiblesAll of our American team simply benefits for the months of preparation by our Ghanaian counterparts. These men have made numerous trips over the same rough roads to gain permission for our presentation in the schools. Often these pre-visits require overnight stays in these strange places. They battle the elements, different food, and strange water all for the sake of the gospel. It’s simple … but not easy.



10.2 Children PrayingThrough the preparation and implementation of our strategy and tactics we have, thus far, been able to share the gospel in 137 venues to estimated crowds totaling nearly 26,000. It’s simple … but not easy. Only God knows for certain but we have witnessed over 18,000 individuals indicate a first-time decision for Christ. Please continue to pray for the remaining days of this project because… It’s simple … but not easy.