Here we are again
The team all arrived in Ghana safely. The only hiccup was that Craig Barker’s luggage did not make the transfer from Frankfurt. We are praying that it gets here by tomorrow. Please pray unto that end.
We traveled the way from Accra today and are now in the area near Mepe. The hotel accommodations are adequate and we have all settled into the routine which will be ours for the next two weeks.
Tonight, after dinner, we met for a prayer meeting with our Ghana team members. This was a wonderful time when we sought the leadership of God upon all that we endeavor. It was a precious time in the presence of God and His sweet spirit was evident in the entire time of worship and intercession. It was humbling to hear all the voices praying aloud at the same time. This reminded us again that the Body of Christ certainly transcends cultures and languages.
The area in which we are working this time is home to a heavy influence of idols and spiritism. Please continue to pray for us as tomorrow we have visits planed to all the area Chiefs for a formal introduction and invitation for ministry. Please pray that many of these will hear and receive the Gospel.
On a more personal note, please understand that our access to the internet is very limited here which might make sending consistent blogs more difficult. We will send these as often as we are able. Until our next communication, please pray for us.