Football Games and Evangelism
This past weekend began (for nearly everyone) the college football season. For all the teams it began with eyes on the prize. That prize, the title of champion!
Now we know there are several different championships, but every team on the field is aspiring to their particular championship. With that said, how did it go? Well, half the teams are undefeated, and the other half are 0-1 — they lost, they were defeated, they are deflated, but none of them are destroyed. It was, for all the teams, the first step in the rest of the season. Some of the teams will bounce back and others will break down. Only time will write the rest of the script for this season.
The football season got me to thinking about the rest of us. As children of God, the redeemed in Christ, we have a goal in mind too. Paul wrote, in Philippians 4:13, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” This reminds us that we are all moving toward the goal line — the day when we will stand before Jesus. Our desire is to share the wonderful message of Jesus with as many people as possible while we are hear on earth.
I fear that too many of us are living like the football team that lost their first game of the season. Some of those teams believe that their entire season is over, but it is not. Those teams must get back up, go back to the basics, and execute the plays that are outlined by their coaches. So, too, must the church of Jesus Christ get back to the basics of sharing our faith with a lost and dying world. In a world that is constantly rejecting the message of Christ, I encourage you, o saint of God, don’t you give up!
Don’t you be led astray by the quitters in life. It’s too soon for you to quit. Don’t listen to the Eeyores in life. It’s too soon to quit. Don’t be led astray by the neigh-sayers and sad saps. It’s too soon to quit.
As for the football teams, it’s going to be a long season, but I know our coach has the game plan in place that will propel us to the ultimate goal. Remember; keep your eyes on Jesus, the Author and perfecter of Faith.
It’s too soon to quit.