Final Countdown
[12 February 2018 – Cornelius, NC] We are in the final week of preparation for our next ministry project in Ghana, West Africa. Everyone, on both sides of the Atlantic, is eager with anticipation for all that God is going to do. We are believing, through faith, that we will all witness a supernatural work of God in and through the lives of many people.
The preparation has not been without trials. As I mentioned in the last blog, Jeff Andler is still struggling with vocal issues. Each day seems to show improvement but he still has a long way to go. I know that you will continue to pray for this. Our team members in Ghana are going through the “normal” difficulties but are facing them as always by prayer and supplication – with thanksgiving. They are always an encouragement to us all.
As it stands today most of our team will meet at JFK (New York) for the overnight flight to Ghana. Mark Chase has been routed through London and will meet us in Africa, so the entire team will gather for our first meeting on Saturday, 17 Feb in Accra.
Please pray for this project. We are comforted in knowing that we have many people who will pray for our continued protection and provision. Pray that each of us will constantly remember to whom we belong and to what we have been called. Our prayer is …
“Let us also lay aside every encumbrance and
the sin which so easily entangles us, and
let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith”
–Hebrews 12:1-2 NASB
May it be that we never give in, never give up, and never give out as we proclaim the life-changing message of Jesus Christ. This is an amazing opportunity that the Lord has put in front of us. On behalf of the entire team …