Countdown to Ghana
Countdown to Ghana: What Kind of Attitude do you have Today?
If you are using my book, You gotta START somewhere, as a part of your daily devotionals then you realize the timeliness of this week’s verse. Week Eight reminds us that
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
(Phil 4:13)
As our team is in preparation for our next international ministry mission to West Africa so many people, both at home and abroad, are seemingly responding to questions and requests with the same flawed answer of “I can’t” do this or that. It has been my experience in life that often when we use the words “I can’t” what we are really saying is “I won’t.” There is a huge difference in these two phrases.
While it is possible that sometimes we lack the physical, intellectual, or financial ability to meet certain requests more often it is our lack of the desire to accept and complete the request or challenge.
Desire is welled deep in our character and springs forth when it has a clear passage to the top. Like water resting deep inside the earth, sometimes there are layers and layers of rock that makes it virtually impossible for the water to be realized. It is only by drilling through the layers of rock and soil that the fresh water is released. Once the rock is penetrated that which is within will be realized, released, and reaped by others.
The Apostle Paul had the great “Can do” approach to life. When he penned these words to the church at Philippi he was displaying a certain assurance that is missing from too many today. As I state in the book,
“because of his spiritual union with Christ, he knew that whatever physical assignment was given to him (by Christ) he had the “I can do it” attitude because he would be strengthened to do it.”
What are some of the challenges you are facing today? Have you responded “I can’t” to something this week? Do you look at every challenge as a conflict and every opportunity as an obstacle? Do you see every glass as half empty? This is the result of small minded and short sided living. It comes as the natural end of living a life that is outside of faith.
I encourage you today to begin to look unto Jesus, the Author and finisher of Faith who is able and sufficient to help and hold you along the way.
Our men in West Africa are working diligently to get all things prepared for our arrival on 11 March. It has not been easy so far, but their constant theme in my weekly meetings with them is simply this “We Can!” I pray to the heavenly Father that this is my genuine answer to all that is asked of me.
If you have yet to get a copy of the book referenced here, please free to contact me for your copy, available through our website.
On behalf of everyone involved in our upcoming mission I want to express our profound gratitude.