Countdown to Ghana
Our next ministry project is just around the corner. In one month a team of four are scheduled to leave for West Africa. Please begin now to pray daily for this project. Words from our team in Ghana tell us of the intense preparation that is taking place. This preparation, both physical and spiritual, is a regular part of preparing the soil for the sowing of the Gospel seed.
In the last week were we unexpectedly challenged with the need for additional equipment and repairs on the ground in Ghana. Our man there wrote of the need for a new generator for the projects as well as the need for new tires for the Land Rover. Within a matter of one day God had provided for both of these needs. I shared this news with Ghana and here is what they wrote back to me:
“Thank to Most High for touching Hearts with the needs of the coming Project.
God is in control meeting NEEDS according to His Riches in Mercy. Haleluya!”
This is but another reminder that God goes in front of us always. Please continue to pray for God to show Himself in wonderful ways in the Work of the Gospel.