Blessings in the Midst of the Battle
[Koforidua- Ghana] Yesterday we received disturbing news from our national director, Rev. Sammy. He informed us that sometime during the day he had been robbed of nearly $500, which is a great deal of money here. Apparently someone entered the church where the team is staying and stole this money. While there is no way to know exactly what happened — the result is the same. Even given all the measures of security a thief simply slipped in and took this money. Needless to say this put a great burden on all of us, but more importantly it reminded us of the constant attack of the enemy.
Brother Sammy apologized and wept as he informed me of this event. He asked, “What shall we do? The project must go on!” His plan was to go to a bank and borrow money on his own. By God’s provision we had some extra money with us and we gave it to him, which enabled the ministry to continue. The thief thought he could stop the work of the Gospel, but God had already made a provision without us even realizing it. God always blesses in the midst of a battle.
This morning while yet in the shadow of this unfortunate event God showed His marvelous blessings. Two things happened on my team today …
1. We were able to speak in an orphanage school assembly. It was a sweet and pleasant reminder that the Gospel must be presented to everyone. One particular girl in this place caught my eye as I noticed her tending and caring for her little sister. It was both touching and heartbreaking. I could not help but think of my sweet grandchildren at home. It caused me to thank God for the extraordinary ways He has blessed me.
2. In another village school today, we gave our long-time driver Daniel the opportunity to share the Gospel in our presence. As he boldly, but humbly stood and began to share the straightforward Gospel presentation my spirit welled up within. I called Pastor Agbleze to my side and had him translate for me what Daniel was saying. While trying to hold back his own tears he said, “He is saying everything perfectly! He sounds just like Roy.” This was a divine affirmation that our work is never in vein. We have raised up a batch of young men who are equipped and ready to share the Gospel on their own.
Even in the face of battles God is so gracious to reveal Himself and His ways. He seemed to be saying today that “Greater is He who is IN you that he who is in the world.” (I John 4:4). The enemy may have robbed us of some money, but God showed His manifold blessing of raising up new evangelists in Ghana. Thus far we have shared the Gospel in 176 separate venues where 26,276 individuals have indicated their first-time decision for Christ!