Are We Losing Christmas?
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas — everywhere you go! These are not only the words of a familiar song written in 1951 but are an attitude of many who look forward with anticipation to Christmas. I’m one of those people — I love Christmas!
Nearly every day during December I find myself looking for signs of the season. I drive out of my way when going home from my office, just in hopes of seeing some new Christmas lights. Whenever my wife and I are out she knows that we will not take the most direct route on our journey. She knows I’m looking for lights. I hope you are enjoying the Christmas season too.
While Christmas may be the biggest and most popular of all of our holidays, the truth of Christmas is in jeopardy. Over the years there has been a systematic assault on this celebration.
You might think I am out of my mind! Some will note that we have seen Christmas decorations, heard Christmas music, and noticed Christmas promotions earlier and earlier each year — surely then we are not losing Christmas. Some will say, “Isn’t Christmas the time of year that people nearly world wide, regardless of their religious persuasion, sing and talk about ‘Peace on earth … goodwill towards men’?” Surly this is not a sign that we are losing Christmas.
It seems to be, some will say, the single time of year that we have a spirit of peace, brotherhood, love, and kindness running through the veins of all people. This is certainly not a sign that we are losing Christmas.
I submit to you that while there are many good and virtuous attitudes during the Christmas season, I am fearful that we have lost the real meaning of the season. I know that the Grinch is trying his best to steal Christmas from us.
I am in the midst of a series of messages entitled, “How the Grinch Steals Christmas”. You can hear these messages by clicking here. This is what I want you to know. You must not allow the Grinch to steal Christmas away from you. It’s your choice and it’s your decision. Christmas is all about Jesus.
Christmas is the biggest commercial holiday of the year, characterized by spending, spending and more spending. I heard one retailer say that 70 percent of their annual sales happen in December.
Consider this …
- This year $6.5 billion will be spent on Christmas cards.
- This year $6 billion will be spent on Christmas decorations.
- Americans will spend an average of $800 per person for Christmas presents.
- Given the population of 314 million people in U.S., we will spend $251.2 billion on each other. But …
Is there a gift for the King of Kings?
I want to encourage you to share from your heart with those you know and love, but also share with at least 5 complete strangers. Maybe you buy the person behind you in line something. (I left $20 with a merchant the other day and said, “Apply this to the next customer’s cost.”) Maybe you can give a gift card to some relatively unknown person. Whatever it looks like — just do it. I can guarantee this … God will bless you beyond measure!
Let me say thank you for everyone reading this blog. I enjoy having this platform to share some of the things on my heart. I trust that you will have a Merry Christmas and your most productive year ever in your service to the King.