After the Storm
In my last blog I wrote,
Right now some of us are facing times of adversity in many areas of our lives. You’ve heard me remind you before that each of us are always in one of three places in all the areas of life:
Headed into a storm
In the middle of a storm
Coming out of a storm
Little did I know that many of us in the eastern part of our country would be facing Hurricane Florence, but we were. Now, a week removed from the actual storm itself much of eastern part of North Carolina and other places are still reeling with the results of the devastation of flooding and the like. It is painful to witness the scenes of destruction and disaster but I am thankful for all the fine people who are rising to the occasion of service and surrender to offer help and hope the people so impacted by this natural disaster.
It is often during these times that we discover the true hearts of neighbors and friends. Even though some misguided politicians will try and use this as opportunity to cast stones toward others, the vast majority of people are rising above petty divisions and are looking for ways to help and love others. I am reminded that Jesus tells us to,
“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with
all your mind.’[c] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d]
40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
-Matthew 22:37-40
It is through times of challenge that our true identity and integrity show clearest. Please continue to pray for, provide for, and help those who were hit with such disaster. Here are some links to organizations you can give through:
Each of these organizations are worthy of your support.
Ghana Update
In just 2 days our team of 4 will leave for a 17-day project to West Africa and we are certainly counting on your prayerful support. We will do our best to keep your updated on the work of the ministry. Please keep us in your prayers!