Adapt and Overcome
This week started with a wake-up alarm at 0455. Not early for some, but the middle of the night for me! This early morning beginning was due to the fact that we were scheduled to speak in a series of senior High Schools which are the only places in Ghana that adhere to any sort of genuine schedule.
I was scheduled to speak in an English/Arabic High School which was both exciting and challenging. The students (and staff) were very well behaved and listened carefully to the message about Jesus Christ being the only way to an eternity with God. Many Muslim students were present, but when presented with the facts of the sinfulness and deity of Christ, they responded positively to His offer of salvation. All of the students eagerly accepted the New Testaments we had which contain both English and Arabic translations. I encouraged the students to take it and begin reading the New Testament with their parents. While this might prove to be problematic for some, we have the assurance,
“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”
– Isaiah 55:11 (NKJV)
On the way to his assignment, Craig Barker’s ministry vehicle encountered trouble when the water pump malfunctioned and caused the truck to break down beside the road. Knowing that they had the responsibility to be in a school at a very specific time, our men stopped a couple of motorcycles and pleaded with the drivers to take them to the school. Craig mounted one of the bikes, in the middle of the two current riders and ventured up the long dusty road to the school. As he sat sandwiched between the two men on the one bike he said all he could think about was the wonderful way God had provided for him to get to the school on time.
We must often remember that our ways are not necessarily God’s ways, but when we are fully yielded to him He will provide a way. As this team adapted and overcame the opposition they were able to share the Gospel message with the hundreds of students who were gathered in anticipation of hearing from the Lord.
Today, perhaps you are challenged with obstacles and opposition. Stop where you are and simply ask God to give you the will and the way to adapt and overcome.
Thus far on our project we have, by God’s grace shared the Gospel message in 161 separate ministry venues to a combined audience of 25,496 individuals where we have witnessed over 17,000 indicate decisions for Christ. This is certainly a testimony to the power of God. Keep praying for us during the remaining days of our ministry project here in West Africa.