A Happy Man Encourages our Team
[Peki, Ghana] As of noon on Wednesday, 26 September our little team has been able to share the Gospel with over 12,000 people! This is a testimony to the wonderful grace and glory of God!
Today God gave us another confirmation of the power of the Gospel and the validity of this ministry. Following one of our school assembly ministries, a man, by the name Jofie came up to us and wanted to talk. This man, obviously a poor farmer, had the brightest eyes and biggest smile I have seen in years. He kept telling me, over and over, “Jesus is in my heart!” While I was certainly glad to hear this, I was not certain why he kept telling me.
In a couple of minutes, our translator began talking with the man and with joy he related the conversation to me:
Two days ago, in one of our village meetings, this man had been gloriously saved. The man explained that he had been struggling for years with many demons and false religions. He had been told that “gods were many” and he had been tormented by this notion. However, after hearing the gospel clearly, God had reached down and saved the man and “set him free” from all the torment! He said repeatedly, there is ONE God and Jesus is His name!” The man was now free from doubt and knew that his sins had been forgiven and that he was certain of life-everlasting with Jesus. He finally said, I will tell everyone what has happened in me!
The man went on to tell us that he had seen our Land Rover passing through earlier today and was determined to find us and tell us thank-you for sharing the Gospel with him. After nearly three hours of searching he saw us parked at a school and that is where he found us.
I shall long remember the look on Jofie’s face! This bright-eyed, happy fellow was such an encouragement to us. He asked for nothing, he just wanted to say “thank-you.” We were humbled by this man and God gently reminded us that the work of the Gospel is not in vain. We have shared the gospel with thousands and over half of them have indicated their decision for Christ. I don’t know how many are genuine … but I know about one. To God be the glory!
Please continue to hold us before the throne of God. He is certainly doing a mighty work in this place.