A Culture of the Supernatural
God has supernaturally gone before us, preparing the way for the Gospel. As of Sunday morning we have seen 14,319 individuals indicate their “first-time decision” for Jesus Christ!
There are some interesting things that always happen behind the scenes on our projects. Often we talk about God going before us, but we are not certain what all of this means.
Today, as I sat down for our mid-point conference, Rev. Dr. Sammy Lartey shared with us some of the wonderful things that God has been doing for us.
“your God, who goes before you on your way, to seek out a place for you to encamp …”
— Deuteronomy 1:33
Our team has been able to go into remote villages that have been closed to the Gospel. In most of these remote villages, the Juju man is king! What the Juju man says, goes!
Local Christians and pastors from churches have, for years, been turned back from these villages, often at the threat of physical danger. When our local contacts first went to schedule our visit they were met with an emphatic “NO.” They were told that we could not come to their villages to show the Jesus film. They were instructed to “stay away.” Apparently the Juju men had all come together and collectively decided that we would all be prevented from coming into this area with the Gospel. One Juju man told our local representative, “If your Jesus comes here, I will loose power.” He then said, “They do not need your Jesus, they have me.”
Once Sammy and our team received these reports they began to fast and pray and ask God to open the doors of the villages to the Gospel. Without doing anything else, we decided to simply show up and try and show the film. When we arrived on site, even with the Juju man imploring the villages to “refuse to watch” the film, the villagers assembled and not only watched the film, but openly responded to the Gospel message! Even some people who were committed to the Juju and its’ idolatry were gloriously redeemed by the blood of the Lamb!
“Come over to Macedonia and help us.”
— Acts 16:9
We are going to into Togo to share the Gospel. As I wrote earlier, we have already gone into the country of Togo with a dental team. As Dr. David provided dental work for these desperate villagers, Pastor Bright obtained permission from the local school officials to bring “the American visitors” in to speak to the children. Therefore, both James and Andy were able to share the gospel message in these schools. This was an extraordinary feat in that religious programs are not generally allowed in the schools. Once again, because of the years of prayerful preparation on the part of a small group of pastors in Togo and their persistent plea to us, we have been able to see a viable beginning of ministry in their country.
Later this coming week, we will be traveling back into Togo for more school ministry and the screening of the Jesus film in villages. On Wednesday, by God’s grace, Jeff and I will meet with a larger group of pastors and Christians in Togo for encouragement and preparation. This confirms the fact that God is always moving in front of us and preparing the ground for the Gospel.
Please continue to pray for the supernatural protection and provision of God in and on the lives of each person involved in the work of the Kingdom here. We will be in West Africa until next Sunday.