Countdown to Harvest Ghana!

HG Team Fall 14In a few days our team will be setting out for another project in Ghana.  As always, I am thankful for the opportunity to travel abroad and physically reconnect with our wonderful team in Ghana.  These are, without a doubt, some of the most wonderful christian servants I have ever known.  These men and women work under some very difficult and challenging conditions and circumstances.  They endure hardships that are completely outside our western understanding.  I hope you will always pray for them with deliberate hearts.

These choice servants encourage me in such wonderful ways.  They have taught be so very much including lessons in diligence, discipline, and determination.

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As we go into West Africa please pray, not only for the Ebola situation, but more importantly for the spiritual needs of the wonderful people in this region of the world.  This region of the world is rapidly changing — and not for the better. So very many people are being trapped into false and damnable spiritual/political bondage.  Pray for the truth of Jesus Christ to penetrate the hearts of all who will hear.

AFRICA is the dark continent, but God has given us a tremendous opportunity to let God’s Light shine through us.  I urge you to pray that we will be faithful.  Until Jesus comes, I remain yours in

Fulfilling the Great Commission,

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Dr. Roy D. Mason, Jr.